The Freedom to Simply Work

As is my way..I’ve already changed a few ideas I had with how I was going to do this. I am using some things inspired by “our lady of Guadalupe” but I’m leaning more away from one design element I was going to include and going full AMP with my background. I felt like it would be too color busy now that I can see how it’s evolving with my other plan and while I plan to add some more symbolic things in the background it will be done all in blue. If I were making a larger piece it might have worked better. Adapt I say!

I want my Mary to shine (be the main focus) and I like adding subtle.. look closely..symbolic things to my backgrounds like this. Instead of roses I am adding my client’s favorite Ranunculus flowers..which kinda give off a rose vibe.
In the background flowery thing I do with random symbolic things my client will appreciate and understand on a personal level.
I am in every way making a personal heirloom piece full of connection and stories.

I’m also going to tweak a few things with the grout in face and hands but waiting until I finish adhering.

I don’t know if you can tell but I’m completely into this piece at the moment and truly enjoying being on the other side of healing with a very clear and focused mind. It’s been a very long time coming for me. Very long time. One time someone said to me “wow you created all that while dealing with so much in your personal life..that’s really amazing” And my first thought was “ya imagine what I could do if I were not always dealing with so much?”
I’m much better and clearer at what I do when I’m not constantly “putting out fires” in my personal life. This is a fact. This has been so “easy” and enjoyable to work on and I am being given the simple grace to work and not guilted to be there for anyone. When I say…”I hope it’s okay that I feel like working on my art today..” the response is always “of course I understand…” And THAT truly has made all the difference. Just that alone opens doors in my mind I’ve never been allowed to open before. What a concept. The thing I knew I needed to truly work freely and be in the mindset I knew I needed to be in so graciously given with no guilt involved.

There are truly two types of people in this instance. Those who can carry their own weight and those who constantly expect you to help them..taking you away from your work…when they could very easily carry it themselves. It’s more about how they control you. I see it so much clearly now from a distance. It is so nice to be free of that now and I do know it shows in my work. And it doesn’t feel like work at all. It feels like for the first time in my life I am authentically me doing my authentic to me things. THIS is what makes me feel content and alive. The work itself..the process…and the simple freedom to work.

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